Meet the Team
Rev. Andrew Hill
Paul Newham
James Doggrell
Vincent Olise
Shaka Clarke
Our Statement of Faith
A. The Word of God
The plenary, verbal inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is the work of the Holy Spirit, the Bible being in itself the Word of God written, the sole sufficient and infallible rule of faith and practice. Its inerrancy and supreme and final authority is received by the Church not on the grounds of human testimony to its truth, but because God himself declares its perfection and bears witness thereto in the hearts of his people.
B. God and the Holy Trinity
There is but one true and living God. God is pure Spirit, infinite, and eternal. God is unchangeable in his being, love, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.
The unity of the Godhead exists in three persons of the same divine essence: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, who are one God, co-equal, co-existent and co-eternal.
C. God’s Eternal Decree
By his own holy, wise and sovereign will, and according to his eternal purpose, God has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass without in any sense becoming the author of sin or violating the responsibility of man.
D. Creation and Providence
God has created all things out of nothing and directs and controls all his creatures and all their actions for his own praise and glory and the good of his Church.
E. The Fall of Man
The first man, Adam, was immediately and specially created by God after his own image in knowledge and holiness, to enjoy perfect fellowship and communion with him. The historic Fall of Man from his original righteousness was the result of the one sin of Adam as the head and representative of the human race. As a consequence of Adam’s sin, all mankind is born into the world under the guilt and condemnation of that sin imputed to them, in possession of a sinful nature corrupted in every part, under the wrath of God, and subject to eternal death as the punishment for sin. Sin is any want of conformity to, or transgression of, the Moral Law of God.
F. The Plan of Salvation
In his infinite grace and mercy, God has planned from all eternity to save out of lost and fallen humanity an innumerable multitude of people, and has predestined them unto everlasting life, not on account of faith or good works foreseen but entirely of his sovereign will and pleasure.
In appointing his elect unto eternal life, God has foreordained all the means thereto so that his people being fallen in Adam are redeemed in Christ, effectually called by the Gospel unto repentance and faith, regenerated, justified, adopted, sanctified, caused to persevere unto the end and finally glorified.
G. Christ the Mediator
The one and only Mediator between God and man is the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God who took unto himself true and real, yet sinless, human nature and was born of a virgin. By his perfect obedience and substitutionary, sacrificial death as a propitiation for sin, he has fully satisfied the justice of God and purchased reconciliation and full redemption for all whom the Father had given him to save.
After his historic, literal and bodily resurrection from the dead on the third day, he ascended into heaven, where he reigns over all things to the Church and makes continual intercession for his people.
H. The Work of the Holy Spirit
The work of the Holy Spirit is essential in applying the full outworking of the redemption accomplished and procured once for all by Christ. The new birth, by which the sinner is enabled to repent and believe, is not an act of man’s free will and power but the result of the effectual operation of the Spirit who works when, where, how and in whom he pleases.
I. Justification
Justification is an act of God’s free grace by which he pardons all our sins past, present and future, and accounts us righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us. Faith in Christ is the sole instrument of justification.
J. Sanctification
Those whom God justifies he also sanctifies by his Holy Spirit, renewing them in the whole man after the image of God, so enabling them more and more to die unto sin and to live in increasing conformity of heart and life to the revealed will of God in the Word of God. Because the believer is never entirely delivered from his old sinful nature whilst on earth, sanctification, though progressive, is never entire or perfect in this life, and the believer experiences constant warfare between the flesh and the Holy Spirit.
The Moral Law of God, as summarised in the Ten Commandments, is an expression of God’s holy character and his revealed will for man. Although it cannot justify the sinner, it is binding on all men and remains as the believer’s rule of life.
K. The Church
The Universal Church consists of the whole number of God’s people in heaven and on earth and comprises only, but all, those who are regenerate by the Holy Spirit and united to Christ by faith. The one Church of God finds its visible expression in the local Church which is a company of faithful people meeting for the worship of God. A true Church is recognised chiefly by the preaching of the Word of God, the due and proper administration of the sacraments and the exercise of spiritual discipline.
(a) The Sacraments of the Church
Besides the preaching of the Word, Christ has instituted the two sacraments of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper as signs and seals of the Covenant of Grace. Although it is sin to neglect them, neither convey regenerating grace or are essential to salvation. The communion of the Lord’s Supper is in no sense a sacrifice and no change occurs in the substance of the bread and wine.
(b) The Government of the Church
There are only two permanent offices in the Church prescribed by the Word of God: Firstly that of Elder, to whom is entrusted the oversight of the congregation and the ministry of the Word. Secondly that of Deacon, to whom is committed the benevolent and administrative work of the Church.
L. Death and the Last Things
At death, the souls of believers are made perfect in righteousness and they are received into the immediate presence of Christ to await the redemption of their bodies. The souls of the unrighteous go to hell, where they are reserved until the Last Judgement. There is no other place for the soul departed from the body than these two.
At the end of the present age the Lord Jesus Christ will personally and visibly return to this earth in power and great glory to raise the dead, both righteous and unrighteous, and to judge all men. The wicked will be consigned to hell to suffer the just and everlasting punishment for their sin, while the godly will enter into everlasting joy with Christ in the new heavens and the new earth.
Our History
About Us
History of the Chapel
John Lodge: 16-06-2013am
Hayes Town Chapel was formed in 1788 following the ministries of John Wesley and George Whitefield in the area, during the 18th century evangelical revival.
The same message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone is preached here today. We proclaim God sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. God has graciously revealed Himself to us through His infallible Word, the Bible, and this is our rule of faith and conduct.
Our basis of faith is founded in the historic Reformed Confessions. Hayes Town Chapel is a member of the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches.
A range of services and activities take place at the church throughout the week, to which you are warmly invited.