Senior Youth Club

School Term Fridays 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Senior Youth Club meets at 7:30pm every Friday during the school term, for teens from Year 7 to the age of 17.

We begin with a Christian song and a short lesson on a Biblical topic. Afterwards there is the opportunity to play games: e.g. Badminton, table tennis, pool, indoor football, Double Dutch skipping, bowls, or card games. We finish with a portion of a movie followed by a facilitated discussion around the clip shown. There is a tuck shop, as well as snacks and drinks before the movie.

During the Summer term weather permitting we play games in Barra Hall Park. We also arrange events e.g. Bowling, etc., and enjoy a barbecue before the summer holidays.

The youth also have the opportunity to go to the Christian Camp in Wales for 1 week at start of the summer holidays.